2012년 10월 11일 목요일

Fascinating WLP

Joanne's team & Me-elle's team
In Woosong University, there are a lot of self-developing programs.

One of these programs is ‘Woosong LeadersProgram,"WLP"’and we are participating in WLP. This program is a course that makes us improve our leadership skills and teaches self discipline methods.

We have decided to participate in this program to improve leadership skills and make relationships with other departments' students. Before we joined, we thought that we were a big fish in a little pond. So, we joined during last summer vacation. We took an orientation course for 4 days in east campus of Woosong University. Through this orientation, we met many other department friends, learned timed discipline methods, and made the outline of our project. Our project must be conducted to improve the welfare of WS in our minds.

This program is continued until January, 2013 and we also take an additional course about skills for good leadership and self discipline. This class meets once a month. At first, we regretted it because we thought that we spend too much time with this program. However, we learned the methods to use time properly, and we have become people who think more widely and deeply. So there is pressure to participate in this program. And we are anticipating upcoming courses and projects.

201111772 Me-elle / 201111774 Joanne

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